
1 minute read

Unreal Art Optimization was written to help you achieve smooth graphics performance in Unreal Engine-based projects. It’s meant to be a complete guide to graphics optimization – whether you work on the art content or the rendering code of a project.

The theory is interleaved with advice for modelling and texturing from optimization point of view. In-engine features like lighting or culling are covered too. This is a universally useful knowledge, which in my opinion makes you a better artist and developer. Chapters about rendering and GPU pipelines will explain what’s happening under the hood. Then there is a big section about profiling – i.e. measuring performance down to the smallest detail.

There’s no the need to dive into the code to understand any fragment. However, if you want to fact-check the text (please do), there are sources and links in every chapter’s footnotes.

Please don’t worry that you can’t grasp all the information at once. The content is divided into independent chapters and sub-chapters. You can read most of them separately if you’re in a hurry.

Note: The book is a work in progress. Some chapters serve as a placeholder for the future content.

Enjoy the content,

Oskar Świerad

Onwards to next chapter! →